The Property Address
A correct address is the key to accurately locate facilities on/adjacent to a property. Double-check your information before submitting a ticket. An address may be submitted in any of the following formats:
- Legal: Subdivision, Lot and Block Number
- Township, Range, Section, 1/4 Section and Parcel Number
- Street Address
- Highway Mile Marker
- GPS Coordinates NAD83
Latitude/Longitude Formats accepted: Decimal 61.21631, -149.88855
Always provide the name of the street the property is on and the nearest intersecting street. This acts as a cross-reference when determining the existence of underground facilities and provides driving directions to the utility locators in the field. 1 address per ticket.
The Excavation Location
Describe where on the property the excavation will take place. Communicate the scope of work using the following directional keywords:
- North, South, East, West
- Front yard, Back yard
- Front of building, Rear of building
- As facing the building from the street, Left or Right Side
- Between 2 fixed objects, for example: between the meter on the back of the house & the front of the shed.
In addition to the above directional key words, indicate if you require an easement marked and which side of the road you will be connecting to any main lines. Pre-marking your dig area is white paint (or black paint if snow is present) is the best way to ensure any facilities that may be within your dig area are adequately marked.