How it Works

What is Utility Locating?

Utility locating is the detection of underground utilities and other subsurface findings using radio signals, ground-penetrating radar, and other tools.  Utilities can be located and marked out in a safe, non-destructive manner to indicate where the telecom, water and sewer mains, gas, and electric are in your project work zone.  This helps you avoid digging into those facilities and helps prevent personal injury and property damage from gas explosions, fire, electrocution, flooding, and unintended facility outages.  A “small” utility outage can result in health hazards from sewage or gas leaks, loss of water and heat, and the inability to call 911 in an emergency.

What is 811 Alaska Digline?   

811 Alaska Digline is a contact center that coordinates the marking of underground utilities.  811 does not do the actual marking, that is performed by the 811 member facility owners or their contractors.  The notification process is a free service to all excavators for the first locate on a project. The process begins when an excavator notifies 811 Alaska Digline of a proposed excavation. This must occur not less than two (2) nor more than fifteen (15) full business days prior to excavation.

Based on the information received from the excavator, 811 Alaska Digline then notifies its members that may have underground facilities near the excavation site. This notification is called a locate ticket.

After receiving the ticket, underground facility owners have two (2) full working days or up to ten (10) full working days in remote locations to:

  • Locate underground facilities at the proposed excavation site described on the locate ticket.
  • Reschedule the locate to a mutually agreeable date and time.
  • Notify the excavator that there are no underground facilities in the work area described in the notice.


*Note: Membership in the 811 Alaska program is voluntary; therefore a list of the 811 member facility owners notified of your project is listed on your confirmation for clarity. Not all facility owners in the State of Alaska choose to participate in the program.  You must contact those non-member facility owners directly. 
List of 811 Alaska Members